In these times of austerity, saving money is essential. With household costs continuing to rise, cash-strapped individuals are constantly searching for ways to cut back on expenses. The internet offers a number of money-making possibilities for those who find themselves desperately waiting for pay-day to come around.
Source: Magda S Saltzman via Twitter
Sell Your Old and Unused Technology
Technology is constantly evolving and we can soon lose interest in the latest smartphone or iPad. There are a number of sites which accept unwanted devices and although posting off your old phone is unlikely to pay the bills, it is a hassle-free way of earning some extra cash, which should help keep things ticking over until the end of the month. Services such as Music Magpie will also purchase old CDs and DVDs and it’s usually quick and easy to receive your payment.
Make the Most of Free Bonuses
Top online casino and sportsbooks offer tempting incentives to sign-up for an account and these can be a great way of making some extra cash. Oddschecker has compiled a list of the latest online casino bonuses which includes 50 free spins courtesy of William Hill. If you don’t wish to part with any cash, it is advised to search for operators who are offering a ‘no deposit bonus’. It is a great way of potentially making a profit and is also a tremendously fun way of playing with the casino’s money.
Complete Surveys Online
Companies are constantly requiring feedback from their customers whilst marketing agencies also regularly stage online focus groups. It is possible to make some extra money through filling out online surveys with questions on everything from your preferred brand of toilet roll through to your favourite video game. There are a huge number of websites available and rewards vary from Amazon vouchers through to £20 in cash. It is a great way of earning an extra income without leaving the house.
Source: NECS via Twitter
Enter Competitions
This is not a surefire way of making money but there are an incredible amount of competitions online and you’d have to be terribly unlucky not to win any sort of prize. There are a number of websites which collate online competitions and the majority of them are completely free to enter. Some operators give away cash prizes whilst others offer goods or services. Any unwanted prizes can be sold on sites such as eBay at a later date.
There are hundreds of ways of earning a little extra cash each month and if you’re struggling to make ends meet, it could be worth exploring a few of the options available online. Whether you’re downloading vouchers or selling your unwanted technology, every penny counts and there are plenty of potentially profitable opportunities awaiting on the world wide web.