For many people looking to start their own business, creating something within the foodservice industry is a popular choice. Because almost everyone can cook, it’s often not hard for people to come up with a delicious product that they can share with the world and make some money off of.
However, breaking unto the foodservice industry can be much more challenging than you might initially realize. So to help you do so successfully, here are three tips for starting your own food service business.
Set The Right Profit Margins
When many people start a business selling food, they forget to think about more than just the cost they’re paying for their ingredients. But when you do this, you make it almost impossible for your business to be profitable since you’ll be barely covering your costs.
To create a food service business that actually makes money, Jennifer Goforth Gregory, a contributor to American Express, recommends that you think about how much profit you want to be making off of your products. After you’ve accounted for all your costs, including things like your time and any equipment you need to keep your food fresh, you should then set your prices so that you can cover these costs and also make some money on top of that.
You Can’t Just Rely On Great Taste
According to Domenick Celentano, a contributor to The Balance Small Business, when people buy food from a business, they expect it to taste good. Because of this, you can’t just rely on delicious food to set your business apart and cause you to be a success. You need to do more.
Some additional things that can set your food business apart from others that are selling the same type of products as you could be your own personality and branding, your interesting packaging, your mission as a business, and more.
Secure The Right Licenses
Before you can start selling any of the food for your business, you first have to ensure that you’ve secured the right licenses both as a business and as a food handler.
To help you with this, Nicki Howell, a contributor to, shares that you may need to get local as well as state licenses in order to run your business. Additionally, you’ll need to contact the health department where you live so that you can get a food handler’s permit and legally serve food to your customers or clients. Make sure you have this all in place before you start serving any food so that you’re not in violation of any laws.
If you’ve been wanting to start your own food service business but haven’t been sure if you have what it takes, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you learn exactly what you need in order to be a success.