For those who find themselves in this situation, here are three tips for writing more persuasive ad copy.
Write In Active Voice
For most ads, you’re not going to have a lot of text or space at your disposal. Because of this, your copy is going to be most effective if it’s written in active voice.
According to Mary Lister, a contributor to Business2Community.com, writing in active voice makes your content more powerful and concise. By writing in this way, you’ll be able to write bold and concise content while still being able to limit the actual amount of words that you’re creating. So if you’re someone who frequently writes in passive voice, you may want to try writing in active voice for your ads.
Make Your Solution Obvious
The point of writing ad copy is to sell your product service. However, writing content that’s too sales driven can actually alienate your clients or customers. Because of this, what can be more beneficial to you is writing copy that’s solution-based.
Khalid Saleh, a contributor to WordStream.com, shares that when you’re writing ad copy, you should write with your customer and client’s problem in mind and what your product or service will serve as a solution for them. This will help move your ads from sounding sales-y to sounding more helpful, which can work wonders for making your ad copy more persuasive.
Play Up Your Scarcity
Another thing that can make your ads more persuasive is a sense of urgency. One way to create a sense of urgency is to make your product or service scarce.
To do this, Adam Proehl, a contributor to Search Engine Journal, shares that scarcity can most obviously be portrayed in one of two ways: by a limited quantity or a limited time. With a limited quantity, your ad should state that your product or service is going fast and that your prospective customer or client should act quickly in order to take advantage of this. With limited time, your ad should express that the product, service, or promotion you’re advertising will only be available for a short period. Using these tactics, you may be able to persuade someone to act who otherwise wouldn’t have acted on their own volition.
If you’ve been struggling with your ads recently, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you write more persuasive ad copy and get more people coming to your website and converting in the future.