In the past 12 months student movements have gained plenty of traction as students across the country have decided to make their stance on a variety of hot button issues such as gun control known. Turning Point USA has it’s own movement, but if you’re interested in learning about how 3 notable current student movements have begun to bring about phenomenal change, simply continue reading.
3 Notable student movements
1. Florida Students Against Gun Violence
After 17 teenagers were fatally shot in yet another high school shooting, which took place in Florida on the 17th of February, Florida students quickly banded together in order to create Florida Students Against Gun Violence. Which is a student led movement which seeks to lobby the government in order to bring about much needed gun reforms. Which will hopefully make it far harder for potential gun men and women to successfully shoot their peers.
An example, of one action which the Florida Students Against Gun Violent have taken in order to put pressure on the National Rifle Association is to urge major brands, which have a large consumer base of teenagersto cut all of their established partnerships with the NRA. Who the Florid Students Against Gun Violent believe are partially to blame for the lack of fun reforms. As the NRA is well known for fiercely promoting American’s current right to bear arms.
2. Black Lives Matter
While the Black Lives Matter movement officially launched back in 2013, the Black Lives Matter movement is yet to reach its peak and is still inspiring students across America to use their voices to bring about change. As in the USA, African American students are still far more likely to get shot by police officers than European Americans.One of the primary aims of the Black Lives Matter movement is to show the government, that Americans, including young Americans, believe that a black life is just as important as a white life.
How do students help market the Black Lives Matter movement? There are a variety of ways in which students show their support for the Black Lives Matter movement. As an example, some students may choose to wear Black Lives Matter t-shirts to school, while others may harness the power of their popular social media accounts to spread the messages of the Black Lives Matters movement to a wide audience.
3. Democracy Now
Democracy Now is another example of a popular student movement, which has gained major traction over the past year. What is Democracy Now’s primary message? Democracy Now organizes student protests on a wide variety of issues examples of which include gun control, the war in Syria, climate change and immigration. As well as the issue of the threat of nuclear weapons and the toxicity of how sexual assault isn’t taken seriously in the USA.
In the coming months, expect to see more news of student movements gracing the front page of the news as students, throughout the country have found that their voices have the ability to affect great change for individuals of all ages, sexes and backgrounds. As high school students have strength in numbers and how now realized that they are a powerful force to be reckoned with!