The world is quickly becoming a more polluted place. Air, land, and water are all contaminated, and the issue is getting worse. And though there are many reasons for this, but the key factor is that we keep on producing more and more trash—11 million tons of it every day. It’s a scary thought, but we can all do our part to help save the environment. From small changes to big ones – from saying no to plastic to choosing to try period underwear – we all have a role to play in keeping our planet clean. After all, we are all responsible and answerable for the health of our mother earth. So, if you want to be a part of the solution, here are five tips to help you start.
1) Say No to Single-Use Plastic
Plastic isn’t necessary to survive, so why are we using so much of it? The answer is in our demand for convenience. We buy packaged food and drinks that come wrapped in plastic; we carry around single-use plastic items like razors, cups, and straws; we buy clothes made from plastic polyester. And if you think about it, none of these things are really essential. We don’t need the plastic packaging to survive or be healthy. The first step towards a greener future is letting go of our reliance on single-use plastics such as straws, spoons, bags and bottles.
2) Consider Carrying Reusables and Jars
In many parts of North America, you can’t go a day without seeing someone carrying a paper or plastic cup with them. But if you choose to carry a reusable or glass jar instead, it’ll have much less of an impact on our environment. You can fill it up with items from home, then wash it and reuse it instead of needing a new container every time you want something new. The same is true for single-use containers like spoons and bottles; ditch these for reusable utensils that you can use for years.
3) Compost Kitchen Waste
Home composting isn’t for everyone, but if you’re someone who likes taking care of a garden or already does your own composting, then you can reduce your waste by turning your kitchen scraps into fertilizer for your plants. When you do buy food in plastic or paper packaging, be sure to recycle it! After all, it’s always better than throwing it away. But that doesn’t mean that every meal has to be eaten out of a plastic container. There are lots of ways to eat healthy without using so much single-use plastic.
4) Learn to Recycle Properly
If you’re anything like me, then you don’t really know what goes where in a recycling bin. There are multiple categories of plastics, and not all paper is recyclable, so you can’t just throw it all together. If you want to get serious about reducing your waste, then make sure that you’re recycling actually gets recycled! Before tossing anything into a recycle bin, check online or ask someone at your local recycling center what it’s made from and how it should be disposed of. Otherwise, more often than not, your efforts will be in vain.
5) Go Paperless for All Your Bills
When it comes to financial matters, you don’t need a physical copy of your credit card or utility bill. Not only does paper waste take up space in landfills, but when you’re paying your bills, what’s important is that you get your money on time and pay on time. So go digital! Learn how to use online banking and set up payment reminders. And if you’re getting store credit cards that send physical statements home with you every month, then do away with them for digital copies instead. It’ll save paper, minimize clutter at home and help save our environment!
Hopefully, these zero waste tips will help you reduce your personal impact on our environment. And if you’re already living a zero-waste lifestyle, then share with us your tips and tricks in living green!