If you have been in business long, then you realize it is much less expensive to keep your current customers than having to go out and find new ones to replace the ones that are leaving you. For many businesses, the loyal customers that have been using them for years and years make up 90 percent of their business. Once you get your customer-base established, your business will be able to run smoothly for years to come. Rather than risk having your current customers look elsewhere, here are four ways to keep your customers as happy as possible.
Don’t Forget Who Made You
Cell phone companies are notorious for offering new customers a better rate than the people who have been with them for years. All it does is make your loyal customers angry and provides them a reason to look elsewhere. The last thing you want to do is alienate your current customers by providing better rates to your new ones.
Whether you provide goods or services, you can always give discounts to your customers who have been with you for years. For instance, if they have been providing you business for a couple of years, give them ten percent off of their next bill. Let them know that you appreciate them sticking with you for their needs. If you need to keep better track of your customer relationship data, you should look into ERP and CRM consulting. They can find the right software that will simplify keeping track of your customers.
Reward Them for Recommending You
Many businesses are built from word of mouth, so reward your current customers that are recommending you to others. Reward them with a gift certificate when someone comes in saying they were recommended by a friend. After all, nearly half of all gift certificates don’t ever get redeemed, so you might not be out any revenue at all in the end.
Email Your Customers Once a Month
Let your customers know they matter to you by emailing them once a month. In this email, you can recommend a service you think they may need or offer them some specific items that you have available.
Greet Them as Extended Family
When a business owner remembers your name and who you are, it just makes you feel good. Know your customers and they will be less likely to leave you and go with someone else. It is hard to turn your back on family after all. If all of this doen’t help you can do a giveaway that will keep coming back. Make giveaway a custom cornhole board with your business logo on top. This way they get something for free and always reminded of your business when having fun.