Following and maintaining safety standards are an absolute necessity for in managing commercial property. Landlords or tenants of a commercial property are subjected and have a duty to ensure that their premises fulfill relevant safety regulations. A proper safety protocol ensures the health and safety of people located in the building.
Fulfilling the basic safety requirements is ever crucial when it comes to avoiding or minimizing the risk of dangers.
Fire safety a necessity
Hazards such as fire and caused smoke can be a devastating and dangerous threat. In early stages of a fire emissions, the produced smoke will often occur from ignited surface objects and items such as furniture and other content. If the fire is untreated and extinguished, it will further consume and ignite combustible materials, which will result to a dramatic in crease in the volume and toxicity of the smoke and fumes.
According to research, inhalation of toxic smoke and fumes caused by fire emissions accounts for 50-80% of fire deaths and injuries. This underlines the importance of having optimal fire security standards.
Thus, a fire safety system is a vital part of any commercial property or real estate when it comes to saving lives from fire emissions.
Smoke ventilation systems
The safety of occupants depends strongly on the performance of the building, in terms of safety measures during the occurrences of fire emissions.
A life safety system designed as a solution to such hazards is a smoke ventilation systems. These systems aid the occupants with a safe escape in the event of a fire emissions. An installed smoke ventilation system will allow hazardous smoke to leave the building in the event of fire. This decreases the risk of smoke inhalation and fire damage. Many ventilation systems basically work as openings such as windows.
Manual and automatic systems
When considering investing in a new or inspecting your current smoke ventilation system, it is beneficial to know whether it is a manual or an automatic one.
The difference between a manual and automatic system is, with a manual system, one will need physical intervention in terms of opening by hand. On the other hand, automatic ventilation systems work through the help of sensors. The system opens when the sensors detect smoke from fire related emissions. One of the main benefits of an automatic ventilation system, is that it does not require any physical intervention from occupants.
Important to follow your local legislation
When acquiring a new smoke ventilation system for your overall fire safety strategy to your commercial, residential, educational, or healthcare property, it is important to ensure that the ventilation system complies to all the requisite building regulations. These requirements may depend on the type of your building, size of the property, number of floors and how it the property is being currently used.
Fire safety regulations and standards differ across different geographies; therefore, it is always important and advisable to stay updated on local requirements within your geography.