Everyone wants to be just a little healthier; some more so than others. But, it can be rather difficult to find the extra time to go to the gym among all your other responsibilities. That is where the idea of working out at home came from. Since you can’t go to the gym, bring the gym home to you!
There are loads of different home rowing machines that are available to purchase from all sorts of retailers, both in stores and online. But, what is the best workout you can get at home? If you ask me, I would have to say that the best bet would be a home rowing machine.
What Is So Special About A Home Rowing Machine?
Rowing machines have been around for a good while, and have undergone many different changes in design over the years, but the basics are still ultimately the same. They provide the user with an extremely easy full body workout while also protecting the joints with the extremely low impact of the workout.
Essentially, all you have to do is sit in the seat, grab the handle bar, and lean back and you can burn as many as 500 calories in a single hour, depending on your weight and the intensity at which you are working out. Due to the low impact nature, even older, more fragile people can make good use of this machine, allowing them to maintain much more of their strength and mobility than they would if they were not getting the exercise.
Options Are Important
While the traditional rowing technique used on these machines provides a full body fat burn, there are many different techniques that have been developed for them that can specifically target different muscle areas. If you want to focus more on triceps, simply turn your hand grip upside down and suddenly you are working on the triceps instead of the bicep muscles. If you are looking to work more on just legs, you need only not use the handle bar and push solely with your legs to make the motion.
Some Techniques use the machine more like a stand or immobile prop to work off of. Such as the angled push up, where you simply put your hands on the frame, feet on the floor, and proceed to do a normal push up. The difference is that the inclined position makes use of slightly different muscle groups than a regular floor based push up. Well, that plus the added bonus of keeping your face away from the floor.
If You Are Searching For The Ultimate Home Workout, A Rowing Machine Won’t Let You Down
With the ability to work almost every major muscle group in the body simultaneously, this machine does the work of several, all at once. While it won’t provide extremely heavy weights to lift, it will provide the right amount of tension to get the blood pumping and the calories burning. It’s a cardio machine, aerobic machine, squat press, and even a curling machine all combined into one super easy to use machine.
With the extremely low risk of workout related strain or injury from the very low impact workouts it provides, these machines are an excellent choice when trying to decide what sort of home based workout machine to buy. If you are like most people, you like to get the most out of your hard earned money, and with a rowing machine you can do just that. Instead of having several machines that all do a specific task, you can have the one machine that does it all. And that is what makes rowing machines the best way to workout at home.