Breast cancer is the malignancy of breasts, a leading cause of death amongst women. It is fairly common in women but can occur in men too. Cancer is a condition in which the mutation of your gene occurs, due to which the cells start to grow uncontrollably in an unorganized manner. Breast cancer can spread from breasts to lymph nodes, from where it can travel to other parts of the body.
To prevent breast cancer, you must get the screening tests done frequently, and you must do self-breast examinations too. These techniques help in the early detection of the disease, which makes it easier to treat. If you notice any lump or change in the breast, you must visit the best general physician in Lahore.
The signs and symptoms of breast cancer are;
Changes in the breast
Thickened skin of the breast
Pitting in the armpits
Changes in the color of the breast
Pain in the armpits
Pain in the breast that does not change with periods or menstrual cycle
Rashes around nipples
Dimpling of the breast skin
Puckering of breast skin
Discharge from nipple either white or bloody
Inverted nipple
Sunken nipple
Change in the size of the nipple and breast
Feeling a lump in the breast
Scaling of the breast skin
Scaling of nipples
Not all the lumps are cancerous that one can feel in the breast. But visiting the healthcare professional is a must to know the diagnosis. Benign cysts in the breasts also feel like a lump some times.
Healthcare professionals stage breast cancer based on the extent of its spread. It is classified into five stages, starting from 0 to IV. Stage O being the mild one and stage IV being the most advanced.
Stage 0
At stage 0, cancer remains in the ducts and has not spread to other surrounding tissues. It is known as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).
Stage I
At stage I, cancer cells have not reached lymph nodes, or a very minimum amount has reached. But the size of cancer has reached 2cm.
Stage 2
At stage II, cancer has spread from 2 to 5 cm, without reaching the lymph nodes, or it has reached lymph nodes and has a size of 2cm.
Stage 3
At stage III, the size of the tumor has spread up to 5 cm and has reached may lymph nodes, or the size is greater than 5cm, and it has reached a few lymph nodes.
Stage 4
At stage IV, cancer has reached distant organs like the liver, kidneys, lungs, bones, and liver. It is the most advanced stage.
The main cause of cancer is an abnormality in the cell cycle. In breast cancer, the cells of the breast start to grow in an uncontrollable pattern. Moreover, the blood vessels grow to provide them nourishment. The cancerous cells take nutrition from the body and keep on multiplying.
Risk factors
The factors that pose a risk of causing breast cancer are unclear. Some of them are as follows.
Age-the risk of breast cancer increases with the increasing age.
Family history-Women who have a family history of breast cancer are at risk of it. If one of your mother or sister has a history of breast cancer, you are at risk. And if any two of your mother and sister have a history of breast cancer, the risk doubles. Therefore, if you have a family history, you must attend screening tests for breast cancer.
If you have had a breast lump or cancer
If you have dense tissues of the breast
When periods start early, and you reach menopause late-it results in increased estrogen exposure, which in turn increases the risk of breast cancer.
Being obese or overweight
Higher alcohol consumption
Being exposed to radiations
Using contraceptives and hormonal treatments
Breast cancer is a treatable condition if detected early. And early detection is possible through frequent screening tests. To keep yourself healthy, you must do self-breast examinations and get screening tests done on time. If you feel a lump or pitting in the breast, you must visit the best general physician in Karachi.