Are you visiting the same old sites over and over again for the same things but not finding it? Then it’s time to stop wasting your time and simply switch to Google’s amazing custom search. People who might not know about the custom search feature, would not understand why it’s so amazing. But that’s exactly why we are here to help.
So what is the purpose of Google’s custom-search tool?
The custom search tool was first beginning to give all webmasters the power to put a search bar (of Google of course) in their webpages. However, that’s not the only thing which it’s used for now. Know that if you don’t have a website to search, serve ads for, or index, even then the custom search feature will be beneficial for any kind of workflow queries.
How does Google custom search work?
Know that it’s really easy to work with Google’s custom search tool. If you know about the search operators like “filetype:” and “site:” then note that the custom search feature is just that. It allows for a search that works best with the predefined search criteria.
So if you type in something in the search bar, then know that it will bring you the Google site search results based on those predefined criteria. Due to this feature, the box will get its unique URL and page. A major advantage of this tool is that you will be able to streamline your repetitive searches.
Can you give an example of it?
If you are new to Google’s custom search feature, then it can be a little difficult to grasp without an example. So we are here to give you one.
Let’s say that you are using Google to search through Reddit every day to find some books. After all, Reddit is a huge platform where there are subreddits for literally anything imaginable. From the published book to fanfiction, you will find anything there. So if you use a custom search API, then you can reduce your work. With Google’s custom search feature, you will be able to create a URL called So searching will become easier for you.
Why should you use a custom search?
Note that using this feature instead of will allow you to streamline your search. Along with this, you will be able to personalize the search results. Due to this, you will be able to get just what you were looking for.
Not to mention the fact that this search tool allows you to gain more control. After all, we have all come across these SEO filled sites which don’t give much useful information. Know that by using custom search, you will be able to avoid this since the search will limit the search to the blogs and stores that you want to see.
So, a custom search tool will help you get the exact information that you are looking for, but can’t get. It will help you streamline your search and lessen your working load. As a result, you will be able to finish your work faster.