If you are preparing to hit the road and do some traveling this year, it is important that you make sure that you are well prepared ahead of you trip. The planning which goes into a trip is the difference between an epic trip, and one which cold have been amazing and you must ensure that you pack right, save up enough money, and that you have planned what kind of thing you will see and do whilst you are on the road.
Each year my buddy Gordon Tang and I will hit the road for around a month or two, exploring this amazing planet of ours. The most important items when I am traveling, is not so much my clothes or my plans, but rather my phone applications, applications which are absolute lifesavers, and here are the ones which I cannot live without.
It is important for me that I can stay in touch with my family and friends when I am away, as well as being able to chat with my staff whilst I am on the road. For me the best messenger service to there is WhatsApp and everyone that I know will use it. What I like about the service is that even if signal is poor, you can still use it, I like that you can share just about any kind of message from voice, photo and video, and I particularly like the tool where you can share your location with people. If you want to stay in touch, this is the way to do it.
Google Maps
Of all the map applications that there are on the market, there are none better than Google’s offering in my view. Not only do I like the fact that you can use the Google maps application even when you don’t have phone signal, using the GPS on your phone, I also love the full interaction which you get with this app. For example you can use the map to search for places, then you can drill into the places to say locations interest. I also like the fact that you can put several pins in the map to chart your course and the synchronization with your Google account makes this the perfect package.
When you travel, you are likely to have a great many busses, trains and planes booked up, which you need to keep information for. Equally, staying on top of days and dates when you rarely know what day of the week it is, can cause some logistical issues in terms of your travel plans. This is exactly why I love the TripIT application, which is an app that keeps all of you travel plans in one place. As soon as you receive a confirmation email from an airline or travel company, you can forward the email to TripIT, where it will be automatically uploaded to you application. Within the app you can keep boarding passes, confirmation numbers and more, and you will also get reminders on your phone in the days running up to your travels. Don’t miss another journey again, this is the app to keep your travel plans on point.